What Should You Do If Your Air Conditioner Is Squealing And Screaming?

Screaming and squealing are not usually good signs, especially when they come from the air conditioner. Some homeowners assume these noises are not truly a big deal if their air conditioner is still blowing cold air or if the squealing sounds only last for a few minutes each cycle. But, in fact, ignoring the squealing could lead to a completely non-operational AC unit before long. Here's a look at what's probably going on and what you should do during this situation. [Read More]

4 Ways To Keep Your Heating Cost Down

Staying warm during the height of winter may take a great deal of effort. You'll want to ensure your HVAC system is working correctly to do so. However, it can be costly to heat your home when the weather is freezing. This makes it vital to find ways to assist in lowering your heating cost with ease. 1.   Wear extra clothing One of the best ways to help you remain warm without having the heat running all the time is by putting on an extra layer of clothing. [Read More]

Three Symptoms Of An AC Compressor Failure

The summer heat is here, and that means that your air conditioning system is more important than ever. There's nothing better than coming home to a nice, cool house after a day out in the sun. The great part about any central air conditioning system is its ability to keep your entire house at a comfortable and controlled temperature, but like any other complex system, it has many potential points of failure. [Read More]

Going on Summer Vacation Soon? Do This with Your AC and Thermostat First

If your family plans to travel this summer, you might be in a hurry to get your affairs and trip in order. One of the things you might do right before you leave home is turn off your cooling system. Although turning off your AC might seem like the right step to take, it may actually be wrong. Here's what you may do instead. Turn Your Thermostat Up a Notch [Read More]