4 Signs You Need To Change Your Furnace Filter

It's never good to have a dusty, clogged air filter. However, with all the hustle and bustle of a busy home, replacing your air filter is an easy task to forget. Knowing what issues a clogged filter causes will help you figure out if the filter is the cause of your furnace woes.  Low Heat Output If your heater is running, but you're noticing colder air than usual coming from your vents, it's a sign that your filter is restricting airflow. [Read More]

Five Reasons to Schedule Annual HVAC Maintenance

Regular maintenance of your HVAC system should be considered a necessity for every homeowner. Making sure to keep up with this simple routine maintenance task of a tune-up prolongs the life of your system and helps ensure a safer home. 1. Safety Issues Safety is the main reason to schedule annual maintenance. Your service tech will check the system for any damages or leaks that could pose an issue. Some types of damage, like a cracked heat exchanger, can release deadly carbon monoxide into your home so it is best to catch the problem before you turn on your furnace. [Read More]

Handling A Furnace Malfunction

For many homes, the furnace will be a core component of the house's heating system. Yet, this is a component that can be at risk of failing during the course of the winter, and this can leave your home cold or experiencing other serious heating problems. Why Is The Furnace Failing To Turn Off? In addition to the risk of the furnace system suffering a failure that could stop it from producing heat, there can also be failures that prevent the heating system from stopping once the desired temperature is reached. [Read More]

Reasons To Not Put Off Repairs

If you have issues going on with your HVAC system, then don't put off having the repairs done. There are many ways that putting off the repairs can cause some major issues for you that it's a very bad idea to procrastinate getting a technician out. Here are some examples of problems you can end up with.  Out of control electric bills  When you let your HVAC system continue working with issues, you can cause it to work much harder than it is supposed to, and the electric bills can become very high very quickly. [Read More]