3 Tips To Prepare Your HVAC Unit For An Upcoming Hurricane
If there is a hurricane or tropical storm approaching your area, you might be concerned about preparing every aspect of your home for the storm. One part of the house that you might not have thought about yet is your heating and air conditioning system, but you should ensure that it's prepared for the upcoming bad weather as well. As long as you take the time to follow these steps before the storm hits, you shouldn't have to worry about your HVAC system.
1. Disconnect the Power
Before you start working on preparing your HVAC unit for the storm, you should disconnect the power from the system. Along with switching the system to the off position, you should consider turning it off at the breaker. This will prevent the system from turning on and harming you while you're preparing it for the storm. You will not want to turn it back on until the storm has passed, however, since disconnecting the power is also an important preparation step. Basically, it will help prevent a power surge from ruining your system.
2. Cover it Up
Once your HVAC unit has been manually turned off, you should protect your system from becoming polluted by debris and excessive amounts of water during the storm. This can be done by covering it up with a tarp or other protective cover, such as an HVAC unit cover that you can purchase from an AC repair professional or home improvement store. Otherwise, leaves, sticks and other debris could get blown around during the storm and could get stuck in your HVAC unit, which would cause problems.
3. Strap it Down
To further protect your system, you should make sure that you don't have to worry about your HVAC unit getting lifted out of its position by the heavy wind. Hurricane straps, which are very strong and designed to hold your HVAC system down in even the highest of winds, should be attached on all four sides of the unit to help hold it close to the ground. You can simply attach these straps on top of your tarp or other protective cover to help hold it in place.
Getting your home -- and everything and everyone in it -- prepared for a hurricane can be nerve-racking. Luckily, once you follow these three steps, you should not have to worry about your HVAC system again until the storm has passed. For more information, contact One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning.